TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Exercise study: Seeking adults who use OR abstain from alcohol and/or cannabis

Healthy, physically active persons age 18-64 years are needed for a research study about substance use, fuel use, and stress markers at rest and during exercise. We need individuals who perform aerobic exercise (75 min/wk of vigorous exercise, 150 min/wk of moderate exercise, or a combination) and who use neither alcohol nor cannabis, or who habitually use one or both substances.

If you qualify and consent to participate, you will complete the following procedures:

  •          Health and substance use questionnaires
  •          Anthropometric and body composition testing
  •          Urine sample collection to verify hydration (x2)
  •          Maximal aerobic fitness testing (treadmill-based)
  •          Submaximal exercise testing (treadmill-based)
  •          Saliva collection (x3)
  •          Blood collection via finger pricks (x6)


Laboratory visits will take place in the Department of Kinesiology and Sport Management. Participation will require a total of approximately 5 hrs across 3 laboratory visits. Participants will be compensated with a gift card worth up to $40 and will receive DXA scan (body composition measurement) results. All data will be stored in a 2-way encrypted database to ensure confidentiality of any information disclosed and will be used only for research purposes.

For any questions or to inquire about participation, please email and This study is directed by Drs. Levitt and Lochbaum and has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University (IRB2024-544).


Danielle Levitt-Budnar


Kinesiology and Sport Management
