Study Title: SROSM Study (Self-Report Online Survey Methods)
Department Name: Department of Psychological Sciences
We are looking for TTU community members to participate in a research study about cannabis use. Users and non-users can participate. You will be asked to answer questions about your use of cannabis, THC, and other drugs; risk perceptions and reasons for using; and your demographics, mental and physical health, and other relevant psychological, social, and behavioral variables. This project focuses on developing new research methods—your responses will be compared to participants recruited using other methods. This research should only take up to 90 minutes to complete. There is no compensation being offered for your time and participation. Call Dr. Littlefield to find out more information about this research study: 806-834-3746. This study has been approved by the TTU Institutional Review Board.
To participate, click on the link to take you to the survey: