TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Conflict of Interest Disclosures

In accordance with Texas Government Code 2261.252, each state employee or official involved in procurement or contract management shall disclose any potential conflict of interest with respect to any contract with a private vendor or bid for the purchase of goods or services from a private vendor by TTU.  Any TTU faculty, staff, or student who has financial manager, approver, requisitioner, or shopper permission, has access to shop or approve transactions in TechBuy, or who has a pcard or is authorized to purchase on a departmental pcard shall provide an additional disclosure in the system to comply with Texas law.  Any TTU faculty, staff, or student with any financial responsibilities defined above, must submit a disclosure. If you have not already done so for this fiscal year, you must complete a disclosure to be compliant. For detailed instructions on how to disclose, click here.


Chris Gerik


Procurement Services
