Study Abroad and Your Degree Plan

List of all courses available in United States

TTU CourseForeign CoursePartner Institution
POLS3300Developing Economies: Social, Political and Economic ChangeArcadia University
English2307The London NovelArcadia University
English23--Introduction to Shakespeare in Text and PerformanceArcadia University
ARTH4304Introduction to British ArtArcadia University
ARTH4304Environment, Communities, and the ArtsArcadia University
ARTH430420th Century Art in Contemporary London CollectionsArcadia University
ARTH4304Imagining and Representing the City in Literature and Visual CultureArcadia University
BIOL4301Medicine in UK Medieval Mysticism to Modern Socialized MedicineArcadia University
THA2304Filming the CityArcadia University
English2351Creative Writing - The Art of FictionArcadia University
THA2303Game Changers of British Theatre from the 1950s to the Present DayArcadia University
English2308WritingArcadia University
THA2303Play CritiqueArcadia University
ECO2301Introduction to Microeconomics Great Britain and EuropeArcadia University
HIST3361The History of Modern BritainArcadia University
POLS3373Britain and the EUArcadia University
POLS3366Developing EconomiesArcadia University
SOC1301Introduction to SociologyArcadia University
BIOL4392Marine Ecology and EcosystemsArcadia University
SOC1301Sociology IArcadia University
ANTH2302Introduction to Anthropology: Peoples of the WorldArcadia University
MBIO4320Molecular Biology of the CellArcadia University
BIOL4305ZO 3010Arcadia University
ARTH2302Art and SocietyArcadia University
THA X-London Theater in PerformanceArcadia University
GEOL3402Structural GeologyArcadia University
Math3342ProbabilityArcadia University
Math3350Engineering Mathematics 2Arcadia University
BIOL4300Independent Research in STEM FieldsArcadia University
HIST3399The Making of Global London Migration and IdentityArcadia University
BIOL4305Animal Evolution and BiodiversityArcadia University
ITAL1501Elementary Italian A1 4 creditsArcadia University
ITAL1501Elementary Italian A1+ 4 creditsArcadia University
MGT4381Business in ContextArcadia University
ME2322ThermodynamicsArcadia University
ME3370Fluid MechanicsArcadia University
ECE3301Fundamentals of Electrical EngineeringArcadia University
ME3371Heat TransferArcadia University
ECE3353Feedback ControlArcadia University
ME3403Solid MechanicsArcadia University
ME3403Mechanics of MaterialsArcadia University
Non-creditInteWork in Thought and ActionArcadia University
PHOT2310Contemporary Photography PracticeArcadia University
MUHL2310Songs and SocietyArcadia University
ANTH3300Sex, Gender and the CityArcadia University
Math3342Statistical Methods for ScienceArcadia University
CE2301Engineering MechanicsArcadia University
CE3305Mechanics of FluidsArcadia University
ITAL4300At Home In Rome: Modern Life in the Eternal CityArcadia University
ANTH3317Food Studies: Art, Culture and SocietyArcadia University
ME3311Introduction to Materials ScienceArcadia University
NOTTUThe Human Condition in the Digital AgeArcadia University
ECO2301Intro to MicroeconomicsArcadia University
CoursesubsInternational Indepedent Research in STEM FieldsArcadia University
NoTTUInternational Independent Research in STEM FieldsArcadia University
MATH4000Rational Numbers and Proportional ReasoningBall State University
POLS3301Sino-US Relations: Super Power and RealignmentButler University
POLS3302Contemporary Chinese Politics: State, Party, PeopleButler University
ANTH3300Contemporary IndiaButler University
ANTH3300Social JusticeButler University
ANTH3300Exploring Community & Culture in a Global ContextButler University
ARTH2---Survey of Art in ChinaButler University
CMI3335Documentary FilmButler University
CMLL1301Beginning HindiButler University
CMLL2301Intermediate HindiButler University
NRM4301City and EnvironmentButler University
POLS3300Introduction to English LawButler University
Arch4000From Liberation to Revolt: Architecture and Moderinisation in France 1944-1968Butler University
MGT4381Managing Enterprises in ChinaButler University
Math2450Calculus 3Butler University
Math3350Ordinary Differential EquationsButler University
Math2360Linear AlgebraButler University
CS3365Software EngineeringButler University
CS2365Software DesignButler University
PHYS4301Computational Physics IIButler University
Chin2301CHIN 200Butler University
CHIN4300Business ChineseButler University
CHIN1501Chinese I: BeginnerButler University
CHIN2301Beginning Chinese IIButler University
CHIN2301Intermediate Chinese IButler University
CHIN4300Intermediate Chinese IIButler University
CHIN4300Advanced Chinese IButler University
CHIN4300Advanced Chinese IIButler University
CHIN4300Advanced Chinese IIIButler University
CHIN4300Advanced Chinese IVButler University
CHIN4300Advanced Readings in ChineseButler University
ANTH3300Women, Gender, Culture and NationButler University
BIOL4301Biodiversity in Sri LankaButler University
SOC3300Ethnicity and Social Identity in Sri LankaButler University
POLS3---Modern Sri Lankan PoliticsButler University
BIOL4301Plants, Herbs and Traditional Medicine in Sri LankaButler University
ANTH3322Religion, Ritual and Everday LifeButler University
ANTH3300Sri Lankan Studies SeminarButler University
CMLL1301Tamil I LanguageButler University
CMLL1301Sinhala I LangaugeButler University
CMLL1302Sinhala II LanguageButler University
noequiRevolutions in BiomedicineButler University
HIST3399London Museums and GalleriesFairfield University
ENGL2351Creative WritingFairfield University
RTL3395Global Experiences International Internship in Retail ManagementFairfield University
GLST3300Global Studies InternshipNichols College
POLS3302Immigration, benefit or threat?Nichols College
POLS3---Global Studies InternshipNichols College
ANTH3300A Four-Field Anthropological Experience 1 CourseSawginaw Valley State University
GEOG3350A Four-Field Anthropological Experience 2 CoursesSawginaw Valley State University
CS4000International InternshipSiena College
BA4382Asia InternshipSt Peters University
PSY2304Social PsychologyUniv Incarnate Word
ARTH1---Art History: Ancient through MedievalUniv Incarnate Word
PHIL3---World PhilosophyUniv Incarnate Word
ARTH2---Art History: Renaissance to ModernUniv Incarnate Word
ATMO3310Introduction to Global Climate ChangeUniv New Haven
BA4382International Internship - The Multicultural WorkplaceUniv New Haven
CS1382Discrete MathematicsUniv New Haven
ARTH1---Bad Blood: Rivalries in the History of ArtUniv New Haven
ARTH1---Impressionism & Post-ImpressionismUniv New Haven
ARTH1---Spanish ArtUniv New Haven
ARTH1---Public Art in the Global CityUniv New Haven
ARTH1---Modern Art in LondonUniv New Haven
POLS3301Human Rights: Universal Principles in World PoliticsUniv New Haven
POLS3301New Challenges in Global Politics: Time for Change?Univ New Haven
POLS3301Exploring Europe: Cultures, Societies & Political DynamicsUniv New Haven
ITAL4300Classical Mythology in Italian Art & LiteratureUniv New Haven
ITAL4300The Culture of Food & Wine in ItalyUniv New Haven
MATH2360Linear AlgebraUniv New Haven
MATH3342Engineering StatisticsUniv New Haven
ANTH3300Sport and Culture in Contemporary FranceUniv New Haven
HIST3351History of SpainUniv New Haven
ENGL3313Cultural Differences in Film: Italy & AmericaUniv New Haven
FREN2301Intermediate French IUniv New Haven
FREN2302Intermediate French IIUniv New Haven
FREN4302Advanced French Language and LiteratureUniv New Haven
PSY3398A Psychological PerspectiveUniv New Haven
POLS4---The Multicultural WorkplaceUniv New Haven
POLS3302Current Political Issues in FranceUniv New Haven
MCOM4301Digital Culture for Social ChangeUniv New Haven
MKT4358International MarketingUniv New Haven
SPAN3309Spanish CinemaUniv New Haven
WGS2301Gender Roles in Present Day SpainUniv New Haven
JOUR4301Journalism 2.0Univ New Haven
JOUR4301International Journalism and Global MediaUniv New Haven
EMC4301Cultural Visions through Spanish CinemaUniv New Haven
COMS3332Communication and Global CompetenceUniv New Haven
ECE4367Digital Image ProcesssingUniv New Haven
ANTH3317The Culture of Food and Wine in SpainUniv New Haven
ARCH2---Architecture and Painting in BarcelonaUniv New Haven
MCOM2350Communication and Global CompetenceUniv New Haven
NOTTUWorld ReligionsUniv New Haven
FREN2390French Civilization and CultureUniv New Haven
THA2___A Survey of French FilmUniv New Haven
ME2301StaticsUniv New Haven
PHOT4300Photography in ParisUniv New Haven
CHE3315Fluid MechanicsUniv New Haven
CHE2421Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics IUniv New Haven
MATH3350Differential EquationsUniv New Haven
MATH2450Calculus IIIUniv New Haven
ME2322ThermodynamicsUniv New Haven
PSY4000Sport PsychologyUniv New Haven
RHIM4312The Culture of Food and Wine in ItlayUniv New Haven
SPAN4303Advanced Conversational SpanishUniv New Haven
SPAN3306Advanced SpanishUniv New Haven
SPAN1502Beginning Spanish IIUniv New Haven
SPAN3306Contemporary History of ArgentinaUniv New Haven
SPAN3306Cultural Visions through Argentine and Latin American CinemaUniv New Haven
RHIM3345Event ManagementUniv New Haven
HLTH3---Global Environmental HealthUniv New Haven
MUHL4300History of Argentine TangoUniv New Haven
SPAN2302Intermediate Spanish IIUniv New Haven
PHOT4300Photography in Buenos AiresUniv New Haven
SPAN4308Spanish for BusinessUniv New Haven
SPAN3307Tales from the Pampas: Reading Argentine LiteratureUniv New Haven
ANTH3317The Culture of Food and Wine in ArgentinaUniv New Haven
COMS4304International Internship: The Multicultural WorkplaceUniv New Haven
ANTH3---Culture and Civilization of ArgentinaUniv New Haven
CHE2421Thermodynamics with Chemical Engineering ModuleUniv New Haven
ME3311MatePrinciples of Engineering MaterialsUniv New Haven
ARTH3---20th Century Art: A History of ModernismUniv New Haven
FREN1501Beginning French IUniv New Haven
POLS2361Globalization: Politics, Cutlure, and GovernanceUniv New Haven
RHIM4311Oneology: The History, Culture and Business of WineUniv New Haven
CLAS3330Art and Archaeology of Ancient RomeUniv New Haven
HIST4376Social History of the Italian MafiaUniv New Haven
ART2---Photography in RomeUniv New Haven
ANTH3---Critical Perspectives on Italy: Contemporary Culture & SocietyUniv New Haven
ARTH3---The Great Masters: Leonardo, Michelangelo & RaphaelUniv New Haven
ARTH3---Secrets, Signs & Symbols in Italian Art: Exercises in IconographyUniv New Haven
FDSC4001The Business of FoodUniv New Haven
JOUR4301Journalism of Social ChangeUniv New Haven
PSS4001The Culture of Food & Wine in ItalyUniv New Haven
ANTH3---Sport & Culture in Contemporary ItalyUniv New Haven
RHIM4316Fashion Marketing & MerchandisingUniv New Haven
ENGL3388Cinema & the City: Cinematic Representations of RomeUniv New Haven
ARTH1---Angels, Demons, and Artists in Rome: Art through the AgesUniv New Haven
RHIM3---The Culture of Food and Wine in Italian Society - AUniv New Haven
SOC3300Immigration, Race & Identity in Contemporary ItalyUniv New Haven
ITAL1501Italian Language and LiteratureUniv New Haven
ITAL1502Beginning Italian IIUniv New Haven
ITAL2301Intermediate Italian IUniv New Haven
ISQS2340Using and Managing Information SystemsUniv New Haven
ISQS3344Basic Operations ManagementUniv New Haven
ISQS3344Basic Operations Research LaboratoryUniv New Haven
PHIL3325Environmental Ethics: Humans, Culture & SustainabilityUniv New Haven
PHIL3301Special Topic: Stoic Philosophy in Ancient RomeUniv New Haven
POLS3373The Politics of European Integration: An Italian PerpectiveUniv New Haven
ITAL3303Advanced ItalianUniv New Haven
ITAL2302Intermediate Italian IIUniv New Haven
ITAL1501Beginning Italian IUniv New Haven
PHOT4300Photography in FlorenceUniv New Haven
MGT4377Family BusinessUniv New Haven
MGT4375International BusinessUniv New Haven
MGT4383Cross-Cultural ManagementUniv New Haven
MGT4397Business Ethics Management in a Global ContextUniv New Haven
ARCH4000History of Paris: An Architectural PerspectiveUniv New Haven
ECE3302Electrical CircuitsUniv New Haven
CS1411Introduction to ProgrammingUniv New Haven
PHYS2302Thermal PhysicsUniv New Haven
RTL1320Haute Coutre in Paris: History of Style and FashionUniv New Haven
ANTH3300Comparative Healing SystemsUniv New Haven
SPAN3309Spanish for Heatlh ProfessionsUniv New Haven
FREN1501Intensive French IWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
FREN1502Intensive French IIWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
ANTH3300Research Methods and EthicsWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
noexisIntensive Spanish for the Health Sciences IWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
BIOL4301Independent Study ProjectWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
BIOL4301Perspectives on Global HealthWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
GEOL33--Geology Field Study ProjectWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
GEOL3323Geohazards in the HimalayaWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
POLS3300Development Policy and HealthWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
FDSC4001Food SikkimWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
CMLL1301MalagasyWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
ANTH3300Social and Political Dimensions of HealthWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
NRM1300Agriculture, Ecology and Sustainable FuturesWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
CMLL1301IcelandicWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
ME4330Design ProjectWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
ME4330Design and Innovation in the Social DomainWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
CE4333Renewable Energy, Technology, and Resource EconomicsWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
CE4333Renewable Energy, Technology, and Resource Economics ProjectWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
GEOG4369Independent Project: Rainforest, Reef, and Cultural EcologyWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
GEOG4335Environmental Field Study SeminarWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
NRM4324Rainforest, Reef, and Cultural Ecology SeminarWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
SOC3300Human Rights and Social Movements in a Multicultural ContextWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
ARAB1501Beginning Modern Standard ArabicWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
SPAN3303Spanish in the Arts Context IWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
SPAN3309Spanish in the Arts Context IIWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
SPAN4309Spanish in the Arts Context IIIWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
SPAN3303Spanish for the Natural Sciences IWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
SPAN3303Spanish for the Natural Sciences IIWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
SPAN3309Spanish for the Natural Sciences IIIWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
SPAN4309Spanish for the Natural Sciences IVWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
SPAN3306Spanish for the Health Sciences IWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
SPAN3306Spanish for the Health Sciences IIWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
SPAN3309Spanish for the Health Sciences IIIWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
SPAN4309Spanish for the Health Sciences IVWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
FREN1501Beginning French IWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
FIN4383Research Methods and Ethics in Banking and FinanceWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
FIN4383Alternative Financial Systems and IntermediationWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad
FIN4382Internship & SeminarWorld Learning SIT Stdy Abroad