TTU Course | Foreign Course | Partner Institution |
CMLL1301 | Korean Creative Thinking and Writing | Dongseo University |
CMLL1301 | A beginning Korean 1 | Korea University |
PSY4305 | Abnormal Psychology | Korea University |
FIN4383 | Advanced Investments Analysis | Korea University |
MKT4383 | Advertising Management | Korea University |
ADV4301 | Advertising Psychology | Korea University |
English3388 | American Films | Korea University |
CMLL1501 | Beginners Korean I | Korea University |
KOR1501 | Beginner's Korean I | Korea University |
KOR1502 | Beginner's Korean II | Korea University |
CMLL1302 | Beginning Korean | Korea University |
CHEM3310 | Biochemistry I | Korea University |
PSY3327 | Biological Psychology | Korea University |
ENGL2307 | British and American Literature and Popular Culture | Korea University |
NOTTU | Broadcasting and Film Studies | Korea University |
MCOM2310 | Business Communication | Korea University |
BECO3310 | Business Economics | Korea University |
MGT4397 | Business Ethics | Korea University |
MGT4384 | Business Negotiation | Korea University |
FIN3321 | Business Valuation | Korea University |
BIOL2--- | Cell Biology I | Korea University |
CHIN4306 | Chinese Classical Novels 1 | Korea University |
CHIN2301 | Chinese Conversation | Korea University |
CHIN4300 | Chinese Seminar 1 | Korea University |
CHIN3305 | Chinese Writing 1 | Korea University |
MKT3352 | Consumer Behavior | Korea University |
MKT3352 | Consumer Behavior & Strategic Communication | Korea University |
HIST3399 | Contemporary East Asia | Korea University |
POLS3376 | Contemporary Korean Society | Korea University |
POLS2--- | Contemporary Korean Society | Korea University |
HIST3399 | Contemporary Western History | Korea University |
FIN4330 | Corporate Finance | Korea University |
EMC3355 | Cultural Diversity and Media | Korea University |
ISQS3348 | Database Management | Korea University |
ARCH3601 | Design Studio I | Korea University |
ARCH4341 | Digital Studio | Korea University |
POLS3376 | East Asian Politics | Korea University |
BIOL2--- | Ecology | Korea University |
GEOG3351 | Economic Geography of Developing Countries | Korea University |
POLS3302 | Economic Geography of Developing Countries: Urbanization and Development in Asia | Korea University |
GEOG3353 | Environmental Geography | Korea University |
NRM1300 | Environmental Science | Korea University |
PHIL2320 | Ethics | Korea University |
FIN3320 | Financial Management | Korea University |
FIN3321 | Financial Statement Analysis | Korea University |
FIN4383 | Fixed-Income Securities | Korea University |
ME3370 | Fluid Mechanics | Korea University |
POLS3360 | Foreign Policy Decision Making Process | Korea University |
PHYS2401 | Fundamental Physics Lab I | Korea University |
FIN4327 | Futures and Options Markets | Korea University |
GIST4304 | Geographic Information Systems | Korea University |
GEOG4301 | Geomorphology | Korea University |
POLS2--- | Globalization and Beyond: Culture, Society and Political Economy | Korea University |
POLS3--- | Global Poverty | Korea University |
PSS4337 | Groundwater and Environment | Korea University |
GEOL4370 | Groundwater and Environment | Korea University |
HIST3399 | History of Korean-American Relations | Korea University |
ENGL2324 | History of Modern British Literature | Korea University |
BIOL2--- | Human Anatomy and Physiology | Korea University |
COMS1301 | Human Communication | Korea University |
HDFS3312 | Human Development and Learning | Korea University |
ZOOL2--- | Human Physiology | Korea University |
MGT3374 | Human Resource Management | Korea University |
HRDV3310 | Human Resources Development | Korea University |
POLS3301 | Human Rights in a Globalized World | Korea University |
BIOL4--- | Immunology | Korea University |
ACCT3304 | Intermediate Accounting | Korea University |
CMLL2302 | Intermediate Korean 2 | Korea University |
CMLL2301 | Intermediate Korean I | Korea University |
MGT4375 | International Business | Korea University |
FIN4328 | International Finance | Korea University |
FIN4328 | International Financial Management | Korea University |
POLS2--- | International Law | Korea University |
POLS2361 | International Law and International Relations | Korea University |
MKT4358 | International Marketing | Korea University |
MKT4358 | International Marketing Management | Korea University |
POLS3301 | International Relations in East Asia | Korea University |
POLS3376 | International Relations of East Asia | Korea University |
POLS3366 | International Trade Theory | Korea University |
COMS1301 | Interpersonal Communication | Korea University |
PSY3341 | Interpersonal Relationships | Korea University |
ECE3301 | Introductin to Electrical Engineering | Korea University |
HRDV2301 | Introduction of Human Resource Development | Korea University |
PSY3317 | Introduction to Brain and Cognitive Science | Korea University |
English2307 | Introduction to British and American Novels | Korea University |
ENGL2305 | Introduction to British and American Poetry | Korea University |
PSY4324 | Introduction to Cognitive Psychology | Korea University |
MGT3375 | Introduction to Entrepreneurship | Korea University |
HLTH3301 | Introduction to Epidemiology | Korea University |
CMLL1301 | Introduction to Film | Korea University |
JOUR2310 | Introduction to Journalism | Korea University |
HIST3399 | Introduction to Korean History | Korea University |
MGT3370 | Introduction to Management | Korea University |
ISQS2340 | Introduction to Management Information Systems | Korea University |
MKT3350 | Introduction to Marketing | Korea University |
CMI4301 | Introduction to Media Criticism | Korea University |
ISQS3344 | Introduction to Operations Management | Korea University |
PSY1300 | Introduction to Psychology | Korea University |
PHIL2300 | Intro to Philosophy | Korea University |
FIN3324 | Investment | Korea University |
FIN3324 | Investment Analysis | Korea University |
FIN3324 | Investments | Korea University |
POLS2--- | Japanese Politics and Society | Korea University |
POLS2--- | Korea and International Law | Korea University |
EMC4301 | Korean Cinema and Visual Culture | Korea University |
NoTTU | Korean Diplomacy Colloquium | Korea University |
BECO4310 | Korean Economy and Business in the Globalizing World | Korea University |
CMLL1502 | Korean for Beginner 2 | Korea University |
CMLL1502 | Korean for Beginners 2 | Korea University |
CMLL1501 | Korean for Beginners I | Korea University |
HIST2--- | Korean History Topic Course | Korea University |
Soc2--- | Korean Society and Culture | Korea University |
KOR1501 | Korean Speaking for Beginners | Korea University |
POLS3368 | Korea U.S. Relations | Korea University |
CMLL4300 | Language and Society in Korea | Korea University |
ACCT2301 | Management Accounting | Korea University |
MGT4380 | Management Strategy | Korea University |
MKT3350 | Marketing Management | Korea University |
MKT3356 | Marketing Research | Korea University |
MKT4385 | Marketing Strategy | Korea University |
GLST3300 | Mass Media and Popular Culture in Korea | Korea University |
NOTTU | Mass Media Policy | Korea University |
MATH3342 | Mathematical Statistics | Korea University |
EMC3300 | Media and Social Change | Korea University |
MCOM4301 | Media Economics | Korea University |
MCOM1301 | Media Industries and Convergence | Korea University |
PSY3--- | Mind and Brain | Korea University |
ECE4332 | Mobile Communication Engineering | Korea University |
FIN3323 | Money and Banking | Korea University |
MKT4356 | Nre Product Development and Marketing | Korea University |
ISQS3344 | Operations Strategy | Korea University |
MGT3376 | Organizational Behavior | Korea University |
MGT3379 | Organization Design and Competitive Advantage | Korea University |
POLS3366 | Political Economy | Korea University |
CHEM4310 | Polymer Chemistry I | Korea University |
FIN3320 | Principles of Finance | Korea University |
MGT3370 | Principles of Management and Organization | Korea University |
PSY3--- | Psychiatric Rehabilitation | Korea University |
ENGL4373 | Psycholinguistics | Korea University |
PSY4343 | Psychology of Language | Korea University |
PSY3317 | Psychology of Learning and Memory | Korea University |
PHIL3320 | Public Policy and Ethics | Korea University |
POLS3303 | Public Policy Information | Korea University |
PSY33-- | Qualitative Research Methodology | Korea University |
ENGL2306 | Readings in British and American Drama | Korea University |
POLS3--- | Regional Planning | Korea University |
MKT3351 | Services Marketing | Korea University |
PSY2304 | Social Psychology | Korea University |
ME3403 | Solid Mechanics II | Korea University |
HIST3399 | South/North Korea Relations in Historical Context | Korea University |
HIST3399 | South and North Korea Relations in a Historical Context | Korea University |
POLS3301 | South - North Korean Relations | Korea University |
HIST3399 | Special Topics in East Asian Studies: Korea and Japan in the Past and Present | Korea University |
ESS/KIN3373 | Sports Media Preliminary | Korea University |
MATH2345 | Statistics for Economists | Korea University |
MGT4380 | Strategic Management | Korea University |
MGT4388 | Strategic Management of Innovation | Korea University |
English2305 | Survey of British and American Poetry | Korea University |
CHIN4300 | Teaching Methods of Chinese | Korea University |
MCOM3300 | Theories of Media Effects | Korea University |
ME3322 | Thermodynamics 2 | Korea University |
ADV3310 | Understanding Advertising | Korea University |
GEOG3351 | Urban Geography | Korea University |
HDFS2--- | Vocational Development in Childhood and Adolescence | Korea University |
POLS2--- | War and Peace | Korea University |
HIST3399 | World History Since 1945 | Korea University |