TTU Course | Foreign Course | Partner Institution |
ITAL1501 | Italian for Musicians | Dante Alighieri Recanati School |
JOUR4301 | Art, Fashion, Food, and Wine Journalism | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ART2--- | Art and Architecture in Florence and Tuscany | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3360 | Baking Techniques 1 | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3--- | Baking Techniques II: Italian Pastry Techniques | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ART2--- | Ceramics Beginner | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ITAL1501 | Communicating in Italian | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
MKT3352 | Consumer Behavior | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3335 | Consumer Behavior and Retail Strategies | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3330 | Contemporary Italian Cooking | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
JOUR3310 | CPBCNM150 | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ADV4301 | Creative Advertising of Italian | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ITA4300 | Cultural Introduction to Italy | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ITAL2307 | Cultural Introduction to the Italian Family | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
DAN3208 | DANCE WORKSHOP | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ITAL1501 | Elementary Italian | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ITAL1502 | Elementary Italian 102 | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
JOUR3355 | Ethics in Communication | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM4345 | Event Operations and Project Management | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3345 | Experiential Learning in Hospitality | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
NoTTU | Experiential Learning in Sport Management | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3--- | Experiential Learning in Wine Service and Beverage Management | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM4000 | Exploration of Wine Culture in Italy | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RTL4--- | Fashion Buying Strategies | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RTL4--- | Fashion Marketing | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RTL1320 | Fashion Media and Culture | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM4352 | Fashion Retail Management | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3352 | Florence Food and Culture Experience | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ARTH2--- | Florentine Art Walks | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RTL4000 | Florentine Straw Hat and Bag Design and Production | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM4--- | Food, Culture, and Society | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3352 | Food, Culture, and Society in Italy | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM4000 | Food, Culture and Society | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3--- | Food, Health and Wellness in Italy | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
POLS3366 | Global Economy | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
POLS3366 | Global Economy: History and Evolution | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
NOTTU | Health and Fitness in the Mediterranean | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
HIST4348 | History of the Italian Renaissance | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM2308 | Hotel Management Operations and Front Office | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
MGT3374 | Human Resource Management | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
JOUR3311 | Instant Communication | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ITAL1501 | Intensive Italian Beginner | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ITAL1501 | Intensive Italian for Three Credits | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
COMS3332 | Intercultural Communication | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
FIN4328 | International Banking | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
MGT4375 | International Management | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
MKT4358 | International Marketing | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
Art2--- | Internship Photography | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
PHOT3330 | Introduction to Computer Graphics | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3345 | Introduction to Event Management | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
MGT3370 | Introduction to Management | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
MKT3350 | Introduction to Marketing | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
PR2310 | Introduction to Public Relations | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
JEM2301 | Introduction to Rich Media: Podcast Production | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
MCOM4000 | Introduction to Social MEdia | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
CMLL23-- | Intro to Culture in Italy | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ART2--- | Intro to Photography | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ARTH2302 | Intro to Renaissance | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
EMC4301 | iPhoneography | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3--- | Italian Classical Cakes and Tarts | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3330 | Italian Culture through Festival & Feasting | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ITAL2301 | Italian Language Intermediate I | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ITAL2302 | Italian Language Intermediate II | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ARCH4000 | Italian Renaissance Architecture | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RTL4000 | Leather Technology | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
NS2330 | Lifetime, Nutrition, Wellness, and Physical Activity | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
English3337 | LITERATURE IN EUROPEAN CULTURES | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
ART2--- | Painting En Plein Air | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM4000 | Pairing Food and Wine | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM4--- | Pasta an Italian Staple from History to Table | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
PR2310 | PUBLIC RELATIONS STRATEGIES | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3470 | Restaurant Management | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
EMC4301 | SOCIAL MEDIA | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3308 | Special Event Management | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
SPMT4355 | Sport Event and Facility Management | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
MGT3390 | Startup Ventures and Entrepreneurship | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
MKT4383 | Strategic Luxury Brand Management | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
Art1--- | Street Photography | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3--- | Sustainability in the Italian Food Industry: From Farm to Table | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM4--- | Sustainability in the Italian Food Industry From Farm to Table | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3352 | The Breads of Italy: Specialty Breads and Pizza | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3352 | The Florence Food and Culture Experience | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3352 | The Italian Food Industry: From Farm to Table | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
NOTTU | The Mediterranean Diet: A Guide to Health Living | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
NoTTU | The Mediterranean Diet A Guide to Healthy Living | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM3330 | Tradition of Italian Food | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
NoTTU | Travel Photography | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
JOUR4301 | TRAVEL WRITING | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
PSS4001 | Tuscany and its wines | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RTL2350 | Visual Merchandise and Display | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RTL3350 | Visual Merchandising and Display | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
BA4000 | Web and Social Media Marketing | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
MKT4383 | Web Social | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM4000 | Wine Appreciation I | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
RHIM4350 | Wine Culture and Society in Tuscany | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
EMC3370 | Writing for Digital Media | Florence Univ Of The Arts |
PSY3--- | Abnormal Psychology | John Cabot University |
ENGL1301 | Advanced Composition | John Cabot University |
ITAL3303 | Advanced Italian I | John Cabot University |
MKT4354 | Advertising Management | John Cabot University |
POLSCORE | American Government | John Cabot University |
ANTH3317 | Ancient Eats: Food in Ancient Rome | John Cabot University |
HIST3345 | Ancient Eats: The Rhetoric of Food in the Ancient World | John Cabot University |
HIST3399 | Ancient Eats - Food in Ancient Rome | John Cabot University |
PHIL3301 | Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy | John Cabot University |
ARTH4313 | Ancient Rome and Its Monuments | John Cabot University |
HIST3333 | A World at Arms - The Second World War | John Cabot University |
ARTH3--- | Baroque Art and Architecture | John Cabot University |
NOTTU | Baroque Rome and Its Monuments | John Cabot University |
ECE3301 | Basic Circuits | John Cabot University |
NOTTU | Beginning Painting | John Cabot University |
MGT3373 | Business Communications | John Cabot University |
PCOM3373 | Business Communications | John Cabot University |
MGT4397 | Business Ethics | John Cabot University |
BLAW3391 | Business Law | John Cabot University |
MATH1451 | Calculus I | John Cabot University |
MATH1452 | Calculus II | John Cabot University |
PSY2306 | Child Development | John Cabot University |
ITAL3390 | Cinematic Rome | John Cabot University |
CLAS4300 | Cities, Towns, & Villas | John Cabot University |
ARTH1--- | Cities, Towns, and Villas: Rome, Ostia, Pompeii | John Cabot University |
Clas2302 | Classical Mythology | John Cabot University |
PSY3318 | Cognitive Development | John Cabot University |
PSY4324 | Cognitive Psychology | John Cabot University |
POLS2371 | Comparitive Politics | John Cabot University |
CS1300 | Computer Office Applications | John Cabot University |
mkt3352 | Consumer Behavior | John Cabot University |
English3351 | Creative Writing Workshop Travel Writing | John Cabot University |
Math3350 | Differential Equations | John Cabot University |
PHOT2--- | Digital Photography | John Cabot University |
CMI4301 | Digital Storytelling and Community Engagement | John Cabot University |
HIST4398 | Doing History: The Conquest of the Americas | John Cabot University |
ART2--- | Drawing - Rome Sketchbook | John Cabot University |
ME2302 | Dynamics | John Cabot University |
LAT1501 | Elementary Latin I | John Cabot University |
ME2301 | Engineering Statics | John Cabot University |
ME2322 | Engineering Thermodynamics | John Cabot University |
FIN4381 | Entrepreneurial Finance | John Cabot University |
MGT3375 | Entrepreneurial Management | John Cabot University |
PHIL2320 | Ethics | John Cabot University |
EMC4301 | European Mass Media | John Cabot University |
POLS3--- | European Security Issues after the Cold War | John Cabot University |
JOUR4301 | Fashion Journalism | John Cabot University |
RTL1340 | Fashion Retailing | John Cabot University |
FIN3320 | Finance | John Cabot University |
ACCT2300 | Financial Accounting | John Cabot University |
FIN3323 | Financial Institutions and Capital Markets | John Cabot University |
FIN3320 | Financial Management | John Cabot University |
ME3370 | Fluid Mechanics | John Cabot University |
FDSC4001 | Food and Agriculture | John Cabot University |
RHIM4000 | Food Writing | John Cabot University |
EMC3100 | Foundations of Digital Video Production | John Cabot University |
COMS4--- | Free Speech in a Comparative Perspective | John Cabot University |
ECE3301 | General Electrical Engineering | John Cabot University |
PSY1300 | General Psychology | John Cabot University |
POLS2--- | Genocide | John Cabot University |
GEOG2300 | GEOG 101 | John Cabot University |
EMC4301 | Global Media | John Cabot University |
ATMO2301 | Global Warming | John Cabot University |
PSY4332 | Health Psychology | John Cabot University |
HIST3302 | History of Ancient Rome | John Cabot University |
MGT3374 | Human Resources Management | John Cabot University |
POLS3302 | Human Rights | John Cabot University |
POLS3--- | Human Trafficking and Contemporary Slavery | John Cabot University |
ECO3326 | Industrial Organization | John Cabot University |
ISQS2340 | Innovation and Information Technology | John Cabot University |
ITAL1301 | Intensive Italian I | John Cabot University |
ITAL1302 | Intensive Italian I | John Cabot University |
ITAL2301 | Intensive Italian II | John Cabot University |
ITAL2302 | Intensive Italian II | John Cabot University |
COMS3332 | Intercultural Communication | John Cabot University |
MATH0302 | Intermediate Algebra | John Cabot University |
ITAL2301 | Intermediate Italian I | John Cabot University |
ITAL2302 | Intermediate Italian II | John Cabot University |
ECO3311 | Intermediate Macro Economics | John Cabot University |
MGT4375 | International Business | John Cabot University |
ECO3333 | International Economics | John Cabot University |
MGT4374 | International Entrepreneurship | John Cabot University |
FIN4328 | International Finance | John Cabot University |
MGT4375 | International Management | John Cabot University |
MGT4374 | International Management and Entrepreneurship | John Cabot University |
MKT4358 | International Marketing | John Cabot University |
ME4000 | Internship | John Cabot University |
BA1301 | Introduction to Business | John Cabot University |
THA 23 | Introduction to Cinema | John Cabot University |
Anth3300 | Introduction to Classical Archaeology | John Cabot University |
CS1305 | Introduction to Computer Science | John Cabot University |
ANTH2302 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | John Cabot University |
FIN4327 | Introduction to Derivatives | John Cabot University |
MGT3375 | Introduction to Entrepreneurship | John Cabot University |
MUHL2000 | Introduction to Italian Opera | John Cabot University |
ENGL2391 | Introduction to Literature | John Cabot University |
NoTTU | Introduction to Music | John Cabot University |
PHIL2300 | Introduction to Philosophical Thinking | John Cabot University |
ART3--- | Introduction to Photography | John Cabot University |
PHOT2310 | Introduction to Photography | John Cabot University |
PHOT4300 | Introduction to Photojournalism: On Location in Rome | John Cabot University |
POLS1347 | Introduction to Political Science | John Cabot University |
PHIL3320 | Introduction to Political Theory | John Cabot University |
THA2303 | Introduction to Theatrical Performance | John Cabot University |
HIST4342 | Introduction to the History of Ancient Rome | John Cabot University |
ENGL2307 | Introduction to the Novel | John Cabot University |
EMC3308 | Introduction to Visual Communication | John Cabot University |
HIST1300 | Introduction to Western Civilization I | John Cabot University |
HIST1301 | Introduction to Western Civilzation II | John Cabot University |
CMLL1301 | Introductory Italian | John Cabot University |
ITAL1302 | Introductory Italian II | John Cabot University |
FIN3324 | Investment Analysis | John Cabot University |
ITAL3390 | Italian Cinema | John Cabot University |
ANTH3300 | Italian Food Culture | John Cabot University |
POLS3--- | Italian Politics and Society | John Cabot University |
HIST3399 | Italy from the Risorgimento to the First World War 1815 - 1918 | John Cabot University |
MGT4383 | Leadership, Mindfulness, and Emotional Intelligence | John Cabot University |
MGT4384 | Leading Multicultural Negotiations | John Cabot University |
BLAW3391 | Legal Environment of Business | John Cabot University |
MATH2360 | Linear Algebra | John Cabot University |
CLAS3330 | Literature and Society in Ancient Rome | John Cabot University |
PHIL2--- | Living the Good Life - Religious and Philosophical Ethics | John Cabot University |
ACCT2301 | Managerial Accounting | John Cabot University |
BECO4310 | Managerial Economics | John Cabot University |
MKT3356 | Market and Marketing Research | John Cabot University |
CHE2410 | Material and Energy Balances | John Cabot University |
ME3403 | Mechanics of Materials | John Cabot University |
MCOM1300 | Media, Culture, and Society | John Cabot University |
CMI4301 | Media and the Environment | John Cabot University |
ARTH3320 | Medieval Rome and Its Monuments | John Cabot University |
ARTH3--- | Medieval Rome and Its Monuments | John Cabot University |
FIN4383 | Mercers and Acquisitions | John Cabot University |
FIN4383 | Mergers and Acquisitions | John Cabot University |
ECE3362 | Microcontroller Programming and Applications | John Cabot University |
ECO3323 | Money, Banking and Capital Markets | John Cabot University |
POLS3302 | Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Integration in Europe | John Cabot University |
HIST3326 | Native American History and Traditions | John Cabot University |
MKT4383 | New Product Mgt | John Cabot University |
HIST3399 | Nineteenth Century Europe and the World | John Cabot University |
ARTH3--- | Northern Renaissance Art | John Cabot University |
ISQS3344 | Operations Management | John Cabot University |
MGT3376 | Organizational Behavior | John Cabot University |
CLAS4300 | People of the Roman World: Ethnic, Social and Cultural Identities | John Cabot University |
PHIL4323 | Philosophy of Art and Beauty | John Cabot University |
POLS3301 | Politics of China | John Cabot University |
POLS3302 | Politics of Developing Countries | John Cabot University |
MUHL2310 | Popular Music and Mass Culture | John Cabot University |
PSY3390 | Positive Psychology | John Cabot University |
MATH1550 | Pre-Calculus | John Cabot University |
ECO2302 | Principles of Macroeconomics | John Cabot University |
MGT3370 | Principles of Management | John Cabot University |
MKT3350 | Principles of Marketing | John Cabot University |
ECO2301 | Principles of Microeconomics | John Cabot University |
CS1411 | Programming Concepts and Applications | John Cabot University |
POLS3--- | Public International Law | John Cabot University |
COMS2300 | Public Speaking: Oral Rhetoric and Persuasion | John Cabot University |
CMI3355 | Race and Gender in Popular Media | John Cabot University |
ARTH3--- | Renaissance Rome and Its Monuments | John Cabot University |
ENGL3308 | Romanticism | John Cabot University |
SOC3300 | Rome Modern City | John Cabot University |
MKT3351 | Service Marketing | John Cabot University |
MGT4383 | Social Entrepreneurship | John Cabot University |
MKT4383 | Social Marketing and Fundraising | John Cabot University |
PSY2304 | Social Psychology | John Cabot University |
CMI4301 | Special Topics in Digital Media Studies: Digital Storytelling and Community Engagement | John Cabot University |
Math3342 | Statistics for Engineering and Sciences | John Cabot University |
Math2300 | Statistics I | John Cabot University |
MATH3342 | Statistics II | John Cabot University |
MATH4343 | Statistics II | John Cabot University |
PSY3--- | Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination | John Cabot University |
MGT4380 | Strategic Management | John Cabot University |
MKT4385 | Strategic Marketing Management | John Cabot University |
PHOT2310 | Street Photography | John Cabot University |
ARCH4000 | Technology of The Ancient World: Aqueducts, Armor, Automata | John Cabot University |
POLS3301 | Terrorism and Counterterrorism | John Cabot University |
HIST2300 | The American Experience I | John Cabot University |
HIST2301 | The American Experience II: From the Closing of the Frontier to the Present | John Cabot University |
PSY3306 | Theories of Personality | John Cabot University |
HIST3344 | The Popes of Rome: History of the Catholic Church | John Cabot University |
HIST4315 | The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture | John Cabot University |
ENGL2307 | The Short Story | John Cabot University |
ARTH3303 | Twentieth Century Art | John Cabot University |
POLS3373 | Twentieth Century Europe and the World | John Cabot University |
POLS3373 | Western European Politics | John Cabot University |
RHIM3--- | Wine and the Culture of Drinking in Classical Antiquity | John Cabot University |
ARTH1301 | World Art I: Visual Culture of the Ancient World | John Cabot University |
ARTH1301 | World Art III - Visual Culture of the Early Modern World | John Cabot University |
ARTH3320 | World Art II - Visual Culture of the Medieval World | John Cabot University |
ARTH2302 | World Art IV - Visual Culture of the Modern and Contemporary World | John Cabot University |
POLS2361 | World Politics | John Cabot University |
MCOM2320 | Writing Across the Media | John Cabot University |
ITAL1501 | 3- Credit Italian Language | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL1502 | 3-Hour Italian Language - Elementary 2 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL2301 | 3-Hour Italian Language - Intermediate 1 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL2302 | 3-Hour Italian Language - Intermediate 2 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL2302 | 3 - hr Italian Language - Advanced 2 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL1501 | 4-Hour Italian Language - Elementary 1 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITA1502 | 4 hour Italian Language Elementary 2 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL2302 | 4 hour Italian Language Intermediate 2 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL1301 | 6-credit Italian Language Elementary 1 and 2 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PSY2306 | Adolescent Psychology | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM4000 | An Italian Sensory Experience: Pairing Food and Wine | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ANTH3300 | Anthropology of Fashion | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADM4000 | Anthropology of Fashion | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ANTH2--- | Anthropology of Violence and Conflict | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ANTH3341 | Archaeology Workshop | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ARTH1--- | Art History I | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ARTH1--- | Art History I: Antiquity to Early Renaissance | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ARTH2--- | Art History II: High Renaissance to the Presents | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ARTS3308 | Basic Printmaking | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
COMS1300 | Body Language and Communication Techniques | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
CMI4301 | Broadcasting: Italian Culture and Television | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ID1--- | CAD Interior Design II | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MATH1451 | Calculus for Science Majors | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
Art2--- | Ceramics | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PSY2301 | Child Psychology | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ANTH3300 | Co(ok)quinarius: Ancient Sources of Italian Cuisine | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
COMS3302 | Communications Research Methods | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADM1303 | Construction Techniques | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MKT3352 | Consumer Behavior | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL3390 | Contemporary Italy Through Cinema | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
English2351 | Creative Writing | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
COMS23** | Crosscultural Communcation in the Workplace | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MGT4383 | Crosscultural Communication in the Workplace | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM3460 | Current Trends Italian Cuisine | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MCOM1301 | Digital Cultures | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ARCH1353 | Digital Graphic Techniques Fundamentals | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
IE 23 | Engineering Economy | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MKT4383 | Event Planning | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RTL3375 | Fashion Buying Concepts | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
NOTTU | Fashion Consumer Behavior | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RTL4340 | Fashion Entrepreneurship | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADM2302 | Fashion Figure Drawing | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADM2302 | Fashion Illustration 1 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADM2302 | Fashion Illustration I | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADM2302 | Fashion Illustration II | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MCOM2301 | Filmmaking I | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
HIST3399 | Florence and the House of Medici | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ART1--- | Florence Sketchbook | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ANTH3341 | Florence South Italy Restoration Workshop | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM3--- | Food and Culture | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ANTH3300 | Food Culture | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PHOT4300 | Food Design and Photo | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM4000 | Food Marketing and Communication | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM3460 | Food of Italy | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PSY4384 | Forensic Pysch | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ART2--- | Foundation Oil Painting | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MGT3370 | Foundations of Management | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
EMC3308 | Foundations of Visual Communication | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ARTH2--- | Fresco Painting and Restoration 1 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM4000 | Fundamentals of Food, Design, Styling, and Photography | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ID1--- | Furniture Design | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
BIOL1404 | General Biology II with Lab | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
CHEM1308 | General Chemistry II with Lab | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
CHEM1307 | General Chemistry I with Lab | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADV4301 | Global Brand Management | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MGT4375 | Global Business Society | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
FIN3323 | Global Financial Markets | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADV4301 | Global IMC Campaign Development | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
POLS3368 | GLOBALIZATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADV4301 | Global Media Strategies | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
CLAS2302 | Greek and Roman Mythology | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
HIST3399 | History of Italian Fashion | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
HIST3399 | History of Prostitution | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ZOOL2404 | Human Anatomy II with Lab | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ZOOL2403 | Human Anatomy I with Lab | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MGT3374 | Human Resource Management | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MKT4354 | Integrated Marketing Communication | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
COMS3332 | Intercultural Communication | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PHOT4300 | Intermediate Digital Photography | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ART2--- | Intermediate Painting | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
NOTTU | International Art Business | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
POLS3365 | INTERNATIONAL LAW | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MKT4358 | International Marketing | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
POLS2361 | International Politics | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
POLS3368 | INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
art3--- | Introduction to Classic Photography | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PHOT2310 | Introduction to Digital Photography | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RTL1340 | Introduction to Fashion Marketing | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MKT4358 | Introduction to International Marketing | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PHIL2300 | Introduction to Italian Philosophy | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ACCT2301 | Introduction to Management Accounting | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MKT3350 | Introduction to Marketing | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MCOM1300 | Introduction to Mass Communications | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
BIOL3416 | Introduction to Molecular Genetics with Lab | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PSY1300 | Introduction to Psychology | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MATH2300 | Introduction to Statistics | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MATH4342 | Introduction to Statistics - Summer | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADM1301 | Introduction to the Fashion Industry | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RTL4000 | Introduction to the Fashion Industry | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PHIL2300 | Introduction to Western Philosophy | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RTL1340 | Intro to Fashion Marketing | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PSY3327 | Intro to Neuroscience | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL3390 | Italian Cinema and Society | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
English2307 | Italian Crime Fiction | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM3--- | Italian Cuisine: History and Practice | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MUS1--- | Italian Culture Through Music | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
SOC3331 | Italian Family and Society | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM4--- | Italian Food and Culture: Pairing Food and Wine | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM3--- | Italian Food though Culture, Environment, and Sustainability | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM4--- | Italian Food through Culture, Environment, and Sustainability | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
English3337 | Italian Grand Tour: Italy Through the Eyes of Famous Travellers | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL3303 | Italian Language Advanced 1 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL3303 | Italian Language - Advanced 1 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL4303 | Italian Language - Advanced 2 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL2301 | Italian Language - Intermediate 1 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ENGL3000 | Italian Literary Masterpieces | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM4--- | Italian Regional Food in a Cultural Perspective | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ARTH3--- | Italian Renaissance Art | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
HIST4348 | Italian Renaissance Civilization and Culture | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM3--- | Italian through Cooking | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
POLS3373 | Italy and the EU | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PHYS1401 | Italys Contribution to Modern Science | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
Art2--- | Jewelry Making | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
JOUR3--- | LIT 260 F | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PSY4--- | Love, Beauty, and Natural Selection | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RTL3--- | Luxury Brand Management | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM3358 | Managing Human Resources | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ART2--- | Marble and Stone Sculpture | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ITAL2315 | Masters of Italian Cinema: Fellini | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
JOUR3355 | Media Ethics | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
THA2304 | Music and Film | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ARCH4--- | Mysteries and Sacred Knowledge in Architecture | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MCOM1--- | New Media: Communication in the Digital Age | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
NS2--- | Nutrition Studies | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ISQS3344 | Operations Management | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
CHEM3306 | Organic Chemistry II with Lab | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MGT3376 | Organizational Behavior | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PSY3335 | Organizational Psychology | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
SOC23-- | Organized Crime: Sociology and History of Italian Mafia | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM4312 | Pairing Food and Wine | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ARTH2--- | Palaces of Florence | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ARCH4000 | Palaces of Rome | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADM2308 | Patternmaking I | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
GEOG1401 | Principles of Envrionmental Science | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PHOT4300 | Principles of Fashion Photography | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
FIN3320 | Principles of Finance | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MKT3350 | Principles of Marketing | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
IDelec | Product Design 1 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADM1--- | Product Development | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PSY3--- | Psychology of Crime | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PR2310 | Public Relations | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
COMS2300 | Public Speaking Present Skills | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ART2--- | Renaissance Art at the Italian Courts | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RTL1340 | Retailing Management | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM2310 | Retail Management | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
CLAS3330 | Roman Civilization through Monuments | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ART2--- | Rome Sketchbook | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
NS1--- | Science Food Health Wellbeing | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
EMC4375 | Screenwriting | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
CMI4375 | Screenwriting I | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ENGL3385 | Shakespeare's Italy | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MKT4383 | Social Media Marketing | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
NoTTU | Social Media Marketing Internship | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PSY2304 | Social Psychology | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MCOM4301 | Sport, Culture, and Communication | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ESS/KIN3354 | Sport, Culture and Communication | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
JOUR4305 | Sport in Global Cinema | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
CMI4301 | Sport in Global Cinema and Television | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MATH3342 | Statistics for Science Majors | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM3--- | Sustainable Food | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
GEOG3353 | Sustainable Food | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ADM2311 | Textile Science | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
English3335 | The Age of the Heroes | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RHIM3--- | The Food of Italy | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
HIST3399 | The Quarters of Florence History and Culture | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
HIST3367 | The Second World War | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MATH1300 | Topics in Mathematics | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
English2351 | Travel Writing 101 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RTL4000 | Trend Forecasting | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
ARTH3--- | Visual Culture in Italy since 1945 | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
RTL2350 | Visual Merchandising | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
JOURor E | WAR AND MEDIA | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
PSS4311 | Wine and Culture I: The Wines of Italy | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MKWT4383 | Wine Business and Marketing | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
MKT4383 | Wine Business Marketing | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
HIST3399 | Women of the Medici Family | Lorenzo De Medici Inst Of Art |
CMLL1301 | Elementary Italian A | Richmond Amer Intl U Florence |
RHIM3--- | Italian Food and Culture | Richmond Amer Intl U Florence |
ARTH4304 | Leonardo Da Vinci | Richmond Amer Intl U Florence |
English3336 | Mysticism and Magic in Medieval and Renaissance Italy | Richmond Amer Intl U Florence |
NOTTU | Painting in Florence | Richmond Amer Intl U Florence |
FIN4383 | The Global Investor | Richmond Amer Intl U Florence |
JOUR2300 | Writing for the Media | Richmond Amer Intl U Florence |
ADM4000 | Fashion and Media | Richmond Amer Intl U Rome |
CMLL1301 | Intensive Elementary Italian I | Richmond Amer Intl U Rome |
RHIM3352 | Italian Food Culture | Richmond Amer Intl U Rome |
PHOT3310 | Photography for the Media | Richmond Amer Intl U Rome |