Study Abroad and Your Degree Plan

List of all courses available in Fiji

TTU CourseForeign CoursePartner Institution
BIOL1402BI 108University of the South Pacific
PHYS1408Classical PhysicsUniversity of the South Pacific
NOTTUContemporary Literary Criticism - Key Terms and Texts 1University of the South Pacific
English4342Contemporary Literary Criticism - Key Terms and Texts IIUniversity of the South Pacific
GEOL1303Earth ScienceUniversity of the South Pacific
BIOL4301Enviromental and Marine MicrobiologyUniversity of the South Pacific
CMLL1301Fijian for BeginnersUniversity of the South Pacific
BIOLcoreGeneral BiologyUniversity of the South Pacific
BIOL3309General EcologyUniversity of the South Pacific
BIOL3416Genetics and EvolutionUniversity of the South Pacific
ECO3312Intermediate MicroeconomicsUniversity of the South Pacific
AAEC4306International EconomicsUniversity of the South Pacific
MKT4358International MarketingUniversity of the South Pacific
MGT3374Introduction to Human Resource ManagementUniversity of the South Pacific
MGT3370Introduction to ManagementUniversity of the South Pacific
PSY1300Introduction to PsychologyUniversity of the South Pacific
ECO4305Introductory EconometricsUniversity of the South Pacific
English2307Islands I: Real and ImaginaryUniversity of the South Pacific
BIOL4392Marine BiologyUniversity of the South Pacific
MKT3350Marketing Principles and StrategiesUniversity of the South Pacific
MGT3376Organizational BehaviorUniversity of the South Pacific
MGT3379Organizational DevelopmentUniversity of the South Pacific
Phys1403Physics for Other SciencesUniversity of the South Pacific
Phys2402Quantum and Electrical PhysicsUniversity of the South Pacific
BIOL4301Tropical Plant BiologyUniversity of the South Pacific