
Denmark & Sweden Study Abroad - Learn Global PR & Earn 6 hours - Apply Now
This summer, join the College of Media & Communication in Copenhagen, Denmark, and several cities in Sweden over a 10-day period. On this trip we will meet with a variety of organizations and government officials about the opportunities they face regarding strategic communications in general and efforts related to tourism specifically. The goal of the trip as well as the classes is to shed light on how international and global entities are crafting messages that are effective across a variety of cultures and a variety of platforms (face-to-face, social media, advertising, public relations, etc.).  We believe the trip and classes have application for many majors and for students with varied interests.

Please feel free to reach out to Dr. Coy Callison ( or Dr. Mary Norman ( with any questions or to declare your intent to apply. 

The courses are: PR 6315: Strategic Consulting in a Global Environment & PR 6315: Tourism Strategic Communication



  • Do you have a passport? If not, go ahead and start working on that. 
  • Consider the class and travel dates. The two courses are summer 3 classes and run from May 30 - August 8, 2025. The trip portion is June 13-22. 
  • Begin your study abroad applicationThey are due by February 20, 2025. 
  • Trip program cost will include: 
  • Current quote is $4790 for the above named items. Student is also responsible for tuition, airfare, and additional meals not listed above.

Mary Norman


CoMC Dept of PRSC
